Ayurvedic Herbs for Men’s Wellbeing


 Each Tablet of 1000 mg contains 400 mg of standardized herbal extracts (Black Musale, Shilajeet, Tribulus, ) and 600 mg of herbal powders (Ashwagandha, Shvet Musali, Mucuna, China Root, Nutmeg, Indian Pellitory, Nutmeg Aril, Clove, Cardamom and Zinc).

Beneficial as Natural Support…

  1. Rejuvenative or Rasayana Herbs for Men’s Wellbeing
  2. Boosts Energy Level, Helps Enhance Vitality, Stamina and General Performance
  3. Boosts Libido and Sexual performance naturally
  4. Combination of precious Aprodisiac and rejuvenative herbs
  5. Can be used as Daily herbs by men

Packaging: Box / Bottle of 60 Tablets, 60 Gm

Method of Use: Take 2-4 tablets daily. Take 1 Tablet after breakfast, 1-2 tablets after lunch, 1 tablet after dinner. Or 1 Tablet after lunch and 1 Tablet after dinner.

Body + Mind Wellbeing: 

  1. You use 2-4 tablets of Men’s Herbs daily
  2. And 2 tablets of Joyful Mind daily

Body + Mind Wellbeing + Detox: 

  1. You use 2-4 tablets of Men’s Herbs daily
  2. And 2 tablets of Joyful Mind daily
  3. And AyurShodhan: 2 tablets after dinner

Body + Mind Wellbeing + Liver Detox: 

  1. You use 2-4 tablets of Men’s Herbs daily
  2. And 2 tablets of Joyful Mind daily
  3. And My Active Liver: 1 Tablet two times a day