Ayurvedic Herbs for Skin Wellbeing


 Each Tablet of 1000 mg contains 710 mg of standardized herbal extracts (Indian Sarsaparilla, Indian Madder, Cutch Tree, Aloe Vera, Neem Tree, Mango Ginger and Guggul) and 290 mg of herbal powders (Sickle Pod Senna, Psoralea and Indian Turpeth).

Beneficial as Natural Support in…

  1. Skin and Blood Detox
  2. Acne, Rashes, Itching and Urticaria
  3. Allergic conditions of skin
  4. Eczema and Psoriasis – With Active Liver and Joyful Mind

Packaging: Box / Bottle of 60 Tablets, 60 Gm

Method of Use: Take 3-4 tablets each day. Take 1 Tablet after breakfast, 1-2 tablets after lunch, 1 tablet after dinner.

How to Use Ayurvedic Herbal Product for Skin Wellbeing in Best Way: If you use My Glowing Skin, it will always be a best practice to combine it with…

  1. Ayur Shodhan (Body Detox and Colon Cleanse) – 2 Tablets at night.
  2. Active Liver – 2 Tablets daily – 1 Tablet after breakfast or lunch, 1 after dinner
  3. In very chronic conditions like Psoriasis and Eczema, My Joyful Min can be added. 2 Tablets daily – 1 Tablet after breakfast or lunch, 1 after dinner.